Security & Compliance area

Our partners provide the most in their quality of professional standards and ethical guidelines. Feel free to reach out to them as we consider them part of “our family.”
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Quality Management Systems (QMS) Implementation:-

Assisting dental facilities in establishing QMS frameworks like ISO 9001 to improve quality control and compliance.

Product Registration and Approvals:-

Navigating the complex process of registering dental products with regulatory authorities and obtaining necessary approvals.

Documentation and Record Keeping:-

Ensuring dental practices maintain accurate and up-to-date documentation of patient records, procedures, and compliance records..

Auditing and Inspection Services:-

Conducting internal and external audits to assess compliance with regulatory standards andidentify areas for improvement.

Risk Assessment and Management:-

Identifying potential risks in dental practices or products and developing strategies tomitigate them.

Clinical Trial Management:-

Assisting in the planning, execution, and documentation of dental product clinical trials to meet regulatory requirements.

Labeling and Packaging Compliance:-

Ensuring that dental product labels and packaging comply with relevant regulations and provide necessary information to users.

Post-Market Surveillance:-

Monitoring dental product performance after they are on the market and reporting adverseevents to regulatory agencies as required.

Training and Education:-

Providing dental professionals with training on regulatory compliance, quality management, and best practices in dental care.

Global Market Access Strategy:-

Developing strategies for expanding dental product markets internationally by understanding and complying with diverse regulatory requirements.

Quality Control and Assurance:-

Implementingprocesses for monitoring and maintaining the quality of dental procedures andmaterials used in patient care.

Documentation of Adverse Events:-

Establishing systems to collect and report adverse events related to dental procedures or products.

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